Pervasive Computing
Second International Conference, PERVASIVE 2004, Vienna Austria, April 21-23, 2004, Proceedings
Reihe: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Band 3001
Ferscha, Alois; Mattern, Friedemann (Hrsg.)
2004, XVII, 358 p. Also available online., Softcover
ISBN: 3-540-21835-1
Online verfügbar in Springer Link
Advances in Pervasive Computing.
A Collection of Contributions Presented at PERVASIVE 2004. Oesterreichische Computer Gesellschaft (Hrsg.)
ISBN 3-85403-176-9
Online verfügbar in books@ocg.at
Pervasive 2004 DVD
VIDEO PROCEEDINGS to the PERVASIVE 2004 Second International Conference on Pervasive Computing Linz / Vienna, April 18-23
Video Chair Horst Hörtner AEC FUTURE LAB, Linz, Austria
Mastering: Volker Christian; Production: Dominik Hochreiter.
Price 10 €
Email ordering
We would like to thank all participants, presenters, invited speaker,
sponsors and the members of the organizing team for their valuable
support and contributions to PERVASIVE 2004!
Based on multiple requests we are providing
the slides and the
textof the opening speech.
For further impressions of PERVASIVE 2004 please visit the
We hope to see you again at PERVASIVE 2005
in Munich, Germany.
